Insights for the Labor Relations Professional


“A Day Without a Woman” May Bring Employers a Day Of Legal Troubles

By Nelson Cary

By Nelson Cary, Monica Fitzgerald and Mike Griffaton

Heard about “A Day Without a Woman”?  Did your business feel any impacts of “A Day Without Immigrants”?  Not sure how, as a labor professional, you should respond to these developments?  Then you should check out this Labor and Employment Alert that we posted yesterday on our Firm’s website.

In the Alert, we discuss the NLRB’s approach to political protests of this type and how the NLRA could protect employee participation in these protests in certain situations.  We also discuss (and link to) a guideline memorandum that the NLRB’s GC issued near the end of the George W. Bush administration.

Advance planning and careful consultation is certainly advisable for any employer concerned about how to react to the coming protest, and others that are on the horizon.


Insights for the Labor Relations Professional