Insights for the Labor Relations Professional


Fuyao Workers Reject the UAW by 2-to-1 Margin

By Allen Kinzer

After two days of voting in a secret-ballot NLRB election, production and maintenance workers at the Moraine, Ohio Fuyao glass plant rejected the UAW.  The final vote tally was 886 “No” votes to 441 “Yes” votes.

This is the third major defeat of the UAW among auto manufacturing and auto supplier companies in as many years.  In 2014, Volkswagen workers in Chattanooga rejected the UAW.  In August of this year, Nissan workers in Canton, Mississippi voted against the UAW by a 2-to-1 margin.  In each of these campaigns, the UAW spent years trying to gain support, but was ultimately rejected at the polls.

Where does the UAW go from here?  It may be federal criminal court.  The U.S. Justice Department has expanded its investigation in Detroit involving the UAW’s training center.   The FBI is now investigating corruption allegations involving various UAW Vice Presidents, and GM, Ford and Chrysler officials.


Insights for the Labor Relations Professional