Insights for the Labor Relations Professional


NLRB Sets UAW Vote at VW for June 12-14

By Allen Kinzer

The NLRB has approved a stipulated election agreement between Volkswagen and the UAW for a vote to be held from June 12 through June 14.  Close to 1,800 production and maintenance VW employees at the Chattanooga facility will be eligible to vote in the election.  Polling times are spread across three days with the vote count beginning after polls close at 8:00 p.m., Friday, June 14.

To clear the legal path for this NLRB vote, the UAW had to disclaim the micro-unit of about 170 maintenance workers.   Rather than continue to litigate over a micro-unit, the UAW decided to go for the traditional bargaining unit of all production and maintenance workers employed by VW in Chattanooga.

Following a tight contest in 2014, this election will be the UAW’s second attempt for VW’s production and maintenance employees.


Insights for the Labor Relations Professional