Insights for the Labor Relations Professional

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Insights for the Labor Relations Professional

Remote Hearings are New Default for Unfair Labor Practice Complaints

By Nelson Cary and Amanda Kuehner

The regional offices no longer need approval from the NLRB headquarters to schedule remote...

A Series of Dismissals Occur in Virus-Related NLRB Charges Against Employers

By Nelson Cary and Amanda Kuehner

In a positive series of events for employers, the General Counsel’s Division of Advice called...

NLRB Gives Employers Greater Ability to Discipline Abusive Conduct

Employees probably just lost the ability to tell their boss to f*** off. When considering an employee’s protected activity, the...

NLRB Suggests Safety Protocols for In-Person Union Elections

After the COVID-19 pandemic caused a temporary suspension of both in-person and mail ballot labor union elections, the NLRB ...

NLRB Affirms that Employers May Prohibit Employees from Discussing Ongoing Investigations

By Nelson Cary and Lauren Sanders

Hard to believe these days, but non-Covid-19-related developments do still pop up from...

Covid-19 and the NLRB: Effective Date of New “Election Protection” Rule Postponed

By Nelson Cary and Lauren Sanders

Labor professionals waiting for the new rule on certain employee free choice issues to go into...

NLRB Resuming Union Elections on Monday

By Nelson Cary and Lauren Sanders

It’s back to business for the NLRB, at least when it comes to representation elections. The...

Covid-19 and the NLRB: Update No.3 – Rulemaking Continues

While Covid-19 has slowed down certain things at the NLRB, it hasn’t stopped the agency from functioning. The NLRB announced...


Insights for the Labor Relations Professional