Insights for the Labor Relations Professional

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Insights for the Labor Relations Professional

COVID-19 and the Duty to Bargain: Advice from the General Counsel

By Nelson Cary and Lauren Sanders

With COVID-19 disrupting business, employers may be questioning whether the virus has an effect...

A Stimulus for Organized Labor

Here’s one you may not have heard about yet. Buried in the last 100 pages or so of the 600+ page CARES Act, the Covid-19 bill the...

Covid-19 and the NLRB: Update No. 2 – Election Rule Delayed

Today, the NLRB announced that it will delay its new election rule. This follows on the heels of the NLRB’s decision last week to...

The NLRB and Covid-19: An Update

Covid-19 has disrupted the operations of many employers and governmental functions. The NLRB is no different. Here is a summary...

Recent NLRB Decision Reminds Employers to Tread Lightly When Employees Begin Unionization Discussions

By Nelson Cary and Amanda Kuehner

On Tuesday last week, the NLRB ordered a New York local business owner to reopen his doors and...

NLRB Issues Final Rule Clarifying Joint Employer Standard

By Nelson Cary and Amanda Kuehner

Today, the NLRB announced their final rule on how to analyze joint-employer status under the...

Employers Get their Email Systems Back: NLRB Overrules Purple Communications

Nearly eighteen months ago, this blog asked whether employers will get their email system back. Last month, the NLRB answered...

NLRB Concludes Pending Workplace Investigations May Be Kept Confidential

By Nelson Cary and Lauren Sanders

As many employers know, confidentiality can be essential to performing workplace...


Insights for the Labor Relations Professional