Insights for the Labor Relations Professional
By Nelson Cary and Lauren Sanders
On the heels of the NLRB’s recent decision changing the approach to determining whether a...
By Nelson Cary and Lauren Sanders
In the final days of Chairman Philip Miscimarra’s (R) term, we have seen a flurry of decisions...
By Nelson Cary and Lauren Sanders
On Wednesday, the NLRB announced that it would ask for public input on the 2014 Election Rule,...
By Nelson Cary and Lauren Sanders
Yesterday, the NLRB overruled the Obama-era Browning-Ferris Industries decision and returned to...
By Nelson Cary and Lauren Sanders
Just a few months after the NLRB became majority Republican, there are early signs that the...
By Nelson Cary and Lauren Sanders
An Ohio court of appeals recently determined that a union contract may bar public employees...
The Senate confirmed the appointment of Peter Robb as NLRB General Counsel on November 8, 2017, by a final vote of 49-46.
After two days of voting in a secret-ballot NLRB election, production and maintenance workers at the Moraine, Ohio Fuyao glass...
Insights for the Labor Relations Professional
Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP provides business and legal counsel to clients throughout the United States and around the world. Since its founding in 1909, our firm has grown into one of the largest law firms in the country, with nearly 375 attorneys who are located in 10 offices in Ohio, Washington, D.C., Texas, Pennsylvania, California, London and Berlin.