Insights for the Labor Relations Professional

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Insights for the Labor Relations Professional

Briefing Schedule Set in Persuader Rule Appeal

By Nelson Cary and Cory Catignani

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has set the briefing schedule in the government’s appeal of...

Changes to Ohio’s Prevailing Wage Law Proposed

Last week, State Senator Matt Huffman (R) introduced S.B. No. 72. The bill proposes modifying several statutes to limit the scope...

“A Day Without a Woman” May Bring Employers a Day Of Legal Troubles

By Nelson Cary, Monica Fitzgerald and Mike Griffaton

Heard about “A Day Without a Woman”? Did your business feel any impacts of...

Puzder, and Acosta, and Boeing, and Griffin, Oh My!

What a last couple of weeks on the labor law front. Here is a quick round up of significant developments, just to make sure you...

Has President Trump Forgotten About the Persuader Rule?

By Nelson Cary and Cory Catignani

The Trump Administration has acted quickly to address some of the rules promulgated by the...

NLRB Instructs Regions to Seek Informal Settlement of Class/Collective Action Waiver Cases

Following years of uncertainty, the U.S. Supreme Court will soon decide the legality of arbitration agreements that prohibit...

Judge Gorsuch and the NLRB Part 2: A Deeper Dive on The Opinions

Last week, I provided an overview of Judge Gorsuch’s decisions involving the NLRB. This week, I take a deeper dive into the...

Judge Gorsuch and the NLRB Part 1: An Initial Overview

Earlier this week, as I’m sure everyone has now heard, President Trump announced his pick for the U.S. Supreme Court. For those...


Insights for the Labor Relations Professional