Insights for the Labor Relations Professional

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Insights for the Labor Relations Professional

Union Organizing in 2014
By Nelson Cary On August 7, 2014

Union Organizing in 2014

By Susan Connelly of PTI Labor Research, Guest Blogger*

A Limit on Micro-Unions for Now, but Long-Term Significance of Limitation Uncertain

On the heels of the much anticipated decision involving the Macy’s department store chain, discussed on this blog last week, the...

How Many Unions Can Your Workplace Support?

When most people think about unions, they think about a single union that represents all of the employees at a single workplace....

The UAW Forms Local Unions to Represent Workers at VW and Mercedes

Despite losing the union election at VW in February by a vote of 712-626, the UAW has announced that it is forming a local union...

Supreme Court Deals Blow to Public Sector Unions

In a close decision earlier this week, the U.S. Supreme Court dealt a blow to unions representing government employees. The case,

Supreme Court Rules that Obama Recess Appointments Invalid

In a major decision yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court held that the recess appointments President Obama made to the NLRB in...

Can You Really Call Your Boss a !$@#%#^&? Maybe, says the NLRB

Employees sometimes get upset at work. Employers and managers sometimes do things that can cause that upset. But many employers,...


Insights for the Labor Relations Professional