Insights for the Labor Relations Professional

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Insights for the Labor Relations Professional

Covid-19 and the NLRB: Update No.3 – Rulemaking Continues

While Covid-19 has slowed down certain things at the NLRB, it hasn’t stopped the agency from functioning. The NLRB announced...

Tags: blocking charge, Elections

COVID-19 and the Duty to Bargain: Advice from the General Counsel

By Nelson Cary and Lauren Sanders

With COVID-19 disrupting business, employers may be questioning whether the virus has an effect...

A Stimulus for Organized Labor

Here’s one you may not have heard about yet. Buried in the last 100 pages or so of the 600+ page CARES Act, the Covid-19 bill the...

Covid-19 and the NLRB: Update No. 2 – Election Rule Delayed

Today, the NLRB announced that it will delay its new election rule. This follows on the heels of the NLRB’s decision last week to...

Tags: ambush election, Elections, AFL-CIO

The NLRB and Covid-19: An Update

Covid-19 has disrupted the operations of many employers and governmental functions. The NLRB is no different. Here is a summary...

Recent NLRB Decision Reminds Employers to Tread Lightly When Employees Begin Unionization Discussions

By Nelson Cary and Amanda Kuehner

On Tuesday last week, the NLRB ordered a New York local business owner to reopen his doors and...

Tags: bargaining order

NLRB Issues Final Rule Clarifying Joint Employer Standard

By Nelson Cary and Amanda Kuehner

Today, the NLRB announced their final rule on how to analyze joint-employer status under the...

Tags: Browning-Ferris

Employers Get their Email Systems Back: NLRB Overrules Purple Communications

Nearly eighteen months ago, this blog asked whether employers will get their email system back. Last month, the NLRB answered...

Tags: Employee Handbooks, 'Purple Communications'


Insights for the Labor Relations Professional