Insights for the Labor Relations Professional

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Insights for the Labor Relations Professional

Supreme Court Poised to Potentially Strike Down Mandatory Union Dues in the Public Sector

The Supreme Court announced on Thursday that it will re-visit the issue of whether public sector employees can be made to pay...

Emanuel Confirmed, NLRB Majority Republican for First Time in a Decade

The Senate, by a vote of 49-47, confirmed the appointment of William Emanuel to the NLRB on September 25, 2017, giving the NLRB...

Update on NLRB Vacancies
By Nelson Cary On August 23, 2017

Update on NLRB Vacancies

As readers of this blog know, the Trump administration began its time in office with two vacancies on the NLRB. After some delay,...

Court of Appeals Reverses NLRB Holding in Joint Employer Case

Earlier this month, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals slowed down the NLRB’s move towards a relaxed test for whether a business...

Big Defeat for UAW as Nissan Workers Vote “No”

By nearly a 2-to-1 margin, Nissan’s production and maintenance employees at its Canton, Mississippi facility rejected UAW...

Employers Continue to Lose Social Media Cases at the NLRB

Employers firing employees for the content of their social media posts continue to do so at their own risk. An NLRB decision from...

UAW-Nissan Agree to Election; UAW Files More Charges

On July 16, the UAW and Nissan entered into a Stipulated Election Agreement with the NLRB. Under the Agreement, the UAW agreed...

UAW Files Election Petition for Workers at Nissan’s Canton, MS Facility

On July 10, the UAW filed a NLRB Petition for Election to represent all of the production and maintenance workers at Nissan’s...


Insights for the Labor Relations Professional