Insights for the Labor Relations Professional

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Insights for the Labor Relations Professional

Decisive Victory in Doubt: Amazon’s Victory over Labor Drive May Be Redone

By Nelson Cary and Alex Ehler

Amazon’s victory over the largest labor drive in company history may be in jeopardy. On August 3,...

Tags: Elections, 'laboratory conditions', Amazon,

IAM Losses First Round of Micro-Unit Fight with Nissan

On June 11, 2021, the NLRB Regional Director rejected the IAM’s petition to represent 87 tool and die technicians out of about...

Tags: appropriate unit, bargaining unit, Elections

Unexpected Unanimity: NLRB Deals Blow to Union Solicitation of Mail Ballots and Defends Election Integrity

By Nelson Cary and Alex Ehler

In a political climate fraught with partisanship, rare instances of bipartisanship and even...

Tags: Elections

NLRB’s Pro-Union March Gains Momentum with New Biden Appointee

By Nelson Cary and Alex Ehler

The NLRB’s pro-union march gained more momentum earlier this week, as President Biden nominated...

Tags: Biden NLRB

Decisive Delivery: Amazon Defeats Largest Labor Drive in Company History

By Nelson Cary and Alex Ehler

Amazon has defeated the largest labor drive in the company’s history. Today, the NLRB completed a...

Tags: Elections, Bessemer, 'union support',

IAM Files Election Petition for 87 Nissan Tennessee Workers – Another Micro-Unit Test for the Auto Industry

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers filed an NLRB election petition to represent 87 tool and die...

Tags: Elections


Insights for the Labor Relations Professional